my sister said i cant keep friends cause im too sensitive. and honestly i thinks hses right. just only in some cases though. i mean i only lost llike 3 friends out of two years and thats not on me. well the only one that was on me was one. i think its certainly not always me though.

oh my gosh! i saw breaking dawn and let me tell you it was soo amzing!! i was soo into it. i cried cause jacob cried. he look soo cute. im so team jacob. hes so adorable even though he hated edward he helped him for bela sakes. that shows thats he’s lovinng and caring about others. the whole sound system was great. the sound effects how they amimated jacob to a wolf was also believable! i wouild recommend anyone who saw the twlight saga to see it!!  its very intense and cute! i woukld so watch this movie again. heck many 100 times more!!

there’s a huge difference from self confident and conceited. for one self confident is your building your self esteem up. not letting your self down. you see the good thing in your self good.conceited is more like vain. you only care for you’re needs. you tell everyone that basically your perfect then them. self confident is a good thing but conceited is a bad thing. you don’t want people to call you conceited.

the one thing that people do most of the time to other people is get pressure. especially in drugs, and there usually bad influences. for example i read this one book how this kid got bullied. the gang of bullies started with one person which influenced his friends to bully. there is different kind of pressures there can be good ones or bad ones it all for example a good one would be encouraging someone to do better in school so you pressure them and make them do the right thing. so pressure can lead to a good or bad thing which one would you pick is the question.

i think its amazing how i know more then one language.i speak Spanish and also English. they say you get paid more in a job if you know a second language. Spanish is such a unique language and its also fun to learn and speak it! what i don’t like about it is if your having a conversation with someone the other person either feels left out or they feel like your talking bad things about them, its not even that i learn to talk two language since i was born so its normal for me to start talking Spanish without me knowing it.

im those type of people that hate reading. its not my type of thing to do. especially when its my time i rather be going out or do something. its boring the book doesn’t gets my attention or anything.i usually try reading. i read like the first page of the book and i don’t even understand what the author is saying. i think if i would let someone else read the book to me i would probably understand it a little more better then i do without myself.

usually i could say Mondays are the most boring day of the week for school. this Monday i gotta admit it was pretty chill. i hate Mondays but if Mondays were as fun as this Monday i wouldn’t mind going to school on Mondays. today all my friends were hyped up. they were all making jokes, being there self. they usually are tired or bored. its because Monday is the beginning of the week and also before a weekend. i hope my Mondays continue like this.

some people think that church is boring. in some cases i think that it really isnt. you probably just havent found the right church that fits to you. or you probably dont understand the pastor so you just sit in the chair and pretend to listen. its better if you find a church that you can understand and actually get involve with church so it would be more interesting. the best part is you would get closer to god . so its basically a win and win situation

i get nervous when i have to perform something in class. yet sometimes i feel confident and go for it. i get this stomach tickle and start to studer. i start to panic and cant remember what i teacher says i should start doing excerciess before heading to perform. sometimes it doesnt work. i look forward to the ending when im done

sometimes i feel like doing nothing. i feel like useless around the world. so i like to sleep a lot, more then im suppose too. i ignore people so they wont tell me what to do. i even have lack of effort to do anything at times. i admit im too lazy. i should probably change my attitude about things. maybe that would change me to start doing stuff with my new goal is to start not being that much lazy.